«Exploring Corporate Learning Today Infographic» plus 1 more

«Exploring Corporate Learning Today Infographic» plus 1 more


Exploring Corporate Learning Today Infographic

Change is underway in today’s workplace turning corporate learning inside out. People want to learn differently – just-in-time and on-the-job, rather than in a classroom. Business leaders are prioritising learning and expect results. Technology makes it possible to deliver on-demand, collaborative and bite-sized learning that is available anytime, anywhere. So let’s explore the trends and issues in corporate learning today through the Exploring Corporate Learning Today Infographic above.

  • Business leaders want to see results
  • Employees are finding different ways to meet their learning needs
  • 58% of L&D professionals admit that employees don’t engage with learning because they can’t find what they want. Understanding today’s learner is key to optimising the learning experience.
  • More mature L&D departments deliver 20% less learning via traditional training and eLearning, and 90% more via ondemand resources. They engage people to learn anytime, anywhere and build capability for superior business results.

Vía: www.pageuppeople.com
El post Exploring Corporate Learning Today Infographic se publicó primero en e-Learning Infographics.


Gamification Facts Infographic

Gamification is the concept of applying game mechanics and game design techniques to eLearning courses. It improves learner engagement and motivates them to achieve their goals.

Game Mechanics
  • Gather Points
  • Leverage Leaderboards
  • Recognize Pattern
  • Collect badges
  • Receive accolades
  • Save life/gift points/items
  • Receive surprise awards
  • Accept challenges & cross set levels
Why games are gaining importance in workplace
  • 61% of the surveyed CEOs, CFOs and other senior executives say that they daily play games during breaks at work.
  • According to a report by marketsandmarkets ,“Incorporating gamification will help increase employee motivation level, customer loyalty and employee engagement” .
  • 75% of the global workforce will be millennials by 2025, according to Deloitte’s “Millennial Survey 2014″.
  • 78% Millennials said that having access to the technology they like to use makes them more effective at work, since this is the generation that grew up playing video games.

A major part of the eLearning industry will be driven by gamification. It is predicted to be a $10 billion industry by 2020.

Business Results
  • Deloitte conducted training programs that are gamified took 50% less time to complete and improved tenure of engagement.
  • CISCO used gaming strategies the results were massive. It had 85% more engaged employees. It enhanced its virtual sales meeting and call center to reduce call time by 15%and improved sales by around 10%.

Vía: www.exultcorp.com
El post Gamification Facts Infographic se publicó primero en e-Learning Infographics.

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